The Prepare.ai Podcast
The Prepare.ai Podcast
Danforth Plant Science Center Keith Duncan on Standing Inside a Virtual Bell Pepper
Keith Duncan is a research scientist in Dr. Chris Topp's lab at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, MO. He is also the Director of their X-ray imaging facility, one of only a handful in the world dedicated exclusively to studying plant biology. This facility has two X-ray computed tomography instruments that together can image intact plant structures both above and below the soil line over a wide range of sample sizes, from tiny root nodules up to complete plants one meter tall, visualizing plant cells, organs, tissues, and whole plants. Prior to joining the Danforth Center in 2016, Keith was a research scientist in a microscopy and imaging facility at the DuPont Experimental Station in Wilmington, DE for 25 years, using light, laser, electron, and X-ray microscopes to study agricultural biology.
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
Chris Topp's Lab
Valent BioSciences
Benson Hill