The Prepare.ai Podcast
The Prepare.ai Podcast
Strange Loop Founder Alex Miller on Distributed Systems & Community
Alex Miller is the creator of the annual Strange Loop Conference, an interdisciplinary software conference in St. Louis, MO that brings together developers doing leading-edge applied computer science in areas such as emerging languages, nosql data storage, mobile, web, concurrency, and distributed systems. He’s also the creator of the Clojure/West and Lambda Jam conferences, Lambda Lounge user group (for the study of functional and dynamic programming languages) and the Clojure Lunch Club. Alex has a strong theoretical computer science background with focuses in computational complexity and artificial intelligence, and has worked across the software and product lifecycle during his two-decade career, spending most of his time in Java and now in Clojure.
Strange Loop Conference
Clojure Language
Douglas Hoofstader books (Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid and I am a Strange Loop)
Train to Busan
“Simple Made Easy” talk, Rich Hickey, Strange Loop 2011
Project Alloy
City Museum
The World’s Fastest Indian